Using Drupal as a document repository?

Can you use Drupal as a document repository? There’s no reason why not and in fact it has many benefits. I was lucky enough to be invited to give a talk at the Drupal Show and Tell in London last week where I described a recent project we’ve delivered. This was for a Local Authority…

Selecting a new CMS for a Local Authority

I’ve recently written a report for a Local Authority to help them select a replacement for their Content Management (CMS) platform. Choosing a CMS isn’t trivial task. You’re likely to be looking for a system that will be in place for several years, will be supporting key business functions and needs to be able to…

Will Enterprise File Sharing overrun ECM?

So, Box is planning to take over the world. At least that’s what Jeetu Patel said in an interview for CMSWire recently. In it he explained that Box isn’t after the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) market it’s actually after all content. Everything. There was another interesting article not long ago by Chris Walker (@chris_p_walker) about…

What are the ECM disrupters?

If there was any industry due for disruption surely it would be Enterprise Content Management (ECM). ECM came out of the first technology wave but largely as a digitisation of existing paper bases processes. Since then it’s continued to add features and functionality but hasn’t really changed much. If you looked at the big trends…

2013 – The year when Content Management finally comes

Normally around this time of the year the blog sphere is crammed with articles proclaiming how this is the year when Content Management, Web Content Management, Enterprise Content Management or whatever you want to call it finally comes of age. I’ve forgotten how many times I’ve heard it and how many times it hasn’t come…

How much does a Content Management bug cost to fix?

The stage in the delivery lifecycle where the bugs are found can have a dramatic effect on project delivery timelines and budget. Just like NASA’s latest spending plans most of this is not rocket science but the earlier you can find bugs the cheaper they are to fix. This post was originally posted on A…